Caddock Electronics
Caddock Electronics, Inc. manufactures precision resistors and resistor networks. Caddock uses unique resistance film technologies and process technologies to create solutions for performance demanding applications. The product line consists of over 250 models, including high voltage resistors, current sense resistors, chip resistors, high frequency resistors, rf resistors, load resistors, pulse resistors, and non-inductive power resistors. Custom resistors and resistor network solutions are also available.
Caddock manufactures precision resistors and resistor networks. Caddock uses unique film and process technologies to create solutions for harsh environments, for high power density, and long term stability. The product line consists of over 250 models, including high voltage resistors, current sense resistors, chip resistors, high frequency resistors, rf resistors, load resistors, pulse resistors, non-inductive power resistors. Custom resistors and resistor network solutions are also available.
Caddock Electronics is a manufacturer of high performance film resistor products. Caddock’s business focus at Caddock is to develop and manage unique material and process technologies with a commitment to the conservative produceability of high performance, high quality resistor products which provide technical solutions for our customers. Caddock manufactures high performance film resistors in Riverside, California and Roseburg, Oregon.
Which Caddock Products will be supported by Caddock for use in Military Applications?
Background of Caddock's experience supporting Military Applications
For over 40 years, Caddock Electronics has developed and supported specifically selected High Performance Commercial/Industrial Resistor Products for use in Military Applications. Caddock has had a high degree of success supporting the most demanding Military Applications with these selected Caddock Products. Based on our long experience with Military Applications, and the fact that our reputation with our customers in Military Applications is extremely important to us, we have a clearly defined approach regarding the range of Caddock Commercial/Industrial Resistor Products that will be made available to support the requirements of our Military customers. To assist the designer of Military products in selecting and specifying the correct Caddock Product, we have broken down the full Caddock product line into three categories relative to Caddock's level of support for their use in Military Applications. For Military Applications, Caddock will only provide our High Performance Resistor products according to the guidance provided in the Support Category descriptions below.
Caddock Products Support Categories define the level of support provided for use in Military Applications.
The following Caddock High Performance Resistor Products have been developed by Caddock for use in commercial/Industrial Applications. These specifically selected products are also supported by Caddock for use in Military Applications. These products may be ordered by their Catalog P/Ns for use in Military Applications
Important Note: The Industrial User or the Military User can specify additional part requirements that are offered by Caddock. Any requirements, that are in addition to the product that is delivered according to the Catalog P/N, must be defined in a Customer Control Drawing (SCD)
Type MG
Type TG
Type MS
*Type MM
Type MV
Model MPM20
*For new applications, Caddock recommends the Type MS resistors be evaluated in place of the Type ML and Type MM Resistors.
For additional information regarding "Support Category 1" and the requirements that make it necessary to have a Customer SCD click the link below.
The Following specific Caddock Commercial/Industrial resistor Products, have a pure matte tin terminal finish.
Type MK
Model MP2060
Model MP725
Model MP820
Model MP821
Model MP825
Model MP850
Model MP915
Model MP916
Model MP925
Model MP930
Model MP9100
Type TK
In order for Caddock to supply these Commercial/Industrial products for use in a Military Application, the Military User must provide a Specification Control Drawing (SCD), that includes at a minimum the information provided in the SCD Templates. A Caddock control number will be provided for the part defined in the Customer SCD. The link below provides access to Caddock's Templates to assist with the development of a mutually acceptable Customer SCD. Some Templates include the necessary Limitation of Use Statement.
For additional information regarding "Support Category 2" and the access to the SCD Templates click the link below.
The following Caddock Commercial/Industrial resistor Products are not supported by Caddock in any way for use in Military Applications.
Do not use these products in Military Applications.
Type CC
Type CD
Type CHR
Type HVD
Type MX
Type SR
Type TF
Model T912
Model T914
Type USF
Type USG
Type 1776
Type 1787
Type 1789
Type T17
Support Category 1 information:
The following Caddock resistor products have been developed by Caddock for use in High Performance Commercial/Industrial Applications. These specifically selected products are also supported by Caddock for use in Military Applications. These products may be ordered by their Catalog P/Ns for use in Military Applications.
Important Note: The industrial User or the Military User can specify additional part requirements that are offered by Caddock. Any requirements, that are in addition to the product that is delivered according to the Catalog P/N, must be defined in a Customer Specification Control Drawing (SCD).
Type TG
Type MS
*Type MM
Type MV
Model MPM20
Precision High Voltage Resistors
Precision, Low TC, High Voltage Resistors
Precision Film Resistors, Non-Inductive
Power Film Resistors, Non-Inductive
Power Film Resistors, Low Resistance, Non-Inductive
Power Film Resistors, Head Sink Mount, Non-Inductive
Axial Lead, Thru-Hole
Axial Lead, Thru-Hole
Axial Lead, Thru-Hole
Axial Lead, Thru-Hole
Axial Lead, Thru-Hole
TO-220 Style, Thru-Hole
Type MG
Type TG
Type MS
Type MS
Type MV
Model MPM20
When the customer has additional part requirements, these same "Support Category 1" products will be provided only when there is a Customer SCD that defines the additional part requirements. The following are some of the additional requirements that are offered by Caddock depending on the demands of the User's high performance design or of the User's program:
Hot Solder Dip (63Sn/37Pb)
Single Lot Traceability
Full Material Traceability
Special Certification
Special Packaging
Customer Part Number Marking
Date Code Marking or Serialization
Special Quality Conformance Inspection Requirements
Any Requirements for Data to be Delivered
Special Unit Package Labeling
Special Shipping Container or Shipping Label Requirements
Assistance in developing the Customer Specification Control Drawing (SCD):
Caddock Application Engineering will work together with the Industrial Customer Engineering or the Military Customer Engineering to generate a mutually agreeable SCD. In this way, all of the User requirements that impact the procurement of the product, the manufacturing of the product, the quality conformance inspection requirements, the documentation of the product, and the shipment of the product will be fully and agreeably defined.
The SCD for "Support Category1" products, when necessary, must specify:
a. Customer P/N
b. Caddock P/N (To be assigned by Caddock Application Engineering)
c. The definition of any special requirements
To assist the Military User, Please click on the links below to download the Product Data Sheet for Military Use or an SCD Template.
Type MG Data Sheets for Military Use
Type TG Data Sheets for Military Use
Type MS Data Sheets for Military Use
Type MM Data Sheets for Military Use
Type MV Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MPM20 Data Sheets for Military Use
Type MG Military Use SCD Template
Type TG Military Use SCD Template
Type MS Military Use SCD Template
Type MM Military Use SCD Template
Type MV Military Use SCD Template
Model MPM20 Military Use SCD Template
Caddock Electronics, Inc. - CSR Sales
Mr. Clay Quinn
17271 N. Umpqua Hwy., Roseburg, OR 97470 USA
Tel: 541-496-0700; Fax: 541-496-0408; email: [email protected]
The following specific Caddock Commercial/Industrial Resistor Products have a pure matte tin terminal finish. In order for Caddock to supply these products for use in a Military Application, the Military user must provide a Specification Control Drawing (SCD), that includes at a minimum the information provided in the SCD Templates. A Caddock control number will be provided for the part defined in the Customer SCD. See below for the link to Caddock's Templates to assist with the development of a mutually acceptable Customer SCD.
Some Templates include the Limitation of Use Statement that is necessary for using Caddock's Commercial/Industrial Products for Military Applications:Type MK
Model MP2060
Model MP725
Model MP820
Model MP821
Model MP825
Model MP850
Model MP915
Model MP916
Model MP925
Model MP930
Model MP9100
Type TK
Caddock does not recommend the "Support Category 2" commercial/Industrial products that have Pure Matte Tin (100% Sn) finishes for Military Applications. The level of support that Caddock provides for the use of "Support Category 2" products in Military Application is as defined in the mutually agreeable SCD. Some SCD Templates (see below) include the necessary Limitation of Use Statement that is appropriate for a particular product.
An SCD for all "Support Category 2" Products is required and must specify:
a. Customer P/N
b. Caddock P/N (To be assigned by Caddock Application Engineering to control Processing to the SCD)
c. Lead Finish Definition per the appropriate SCD template
d. A Recommended Limitation of Use Statement must be included in the SCD, when it is shown as a requirement in the SCD Template for a particular product.
SCD Templates for the Caddock Products listed in "Support Category 2"
Caddock has prepared Military Use SCD Templates (in Microsoft Word) for the "Support Category 2" commercial/industrial models to assist in defining the important information to be incorporated into the customer SCD.
Please click on the links below to download a Data Sheet for Military Use, or and SCD Template
Type MK Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP2060 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP725 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP820 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP821 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP825 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP850 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP915 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP916 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP925 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP930 Data Sheets for Military Use
Model MP9100 Data Sheets for Military Use
Type TK Data Sheets for Military Use